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The :Fractl.Kernel.Rbac component defines entities and events required for managing role-based-access-control in Fractl applications. The main entities in this component are - :Privilege, :PrivilegeAssignment, :Role and :RoleAssignment.

An instance of :Privilege defines a set of operations permissible on a resource and a :Role may be assigned those privileges. For example, the following patterns create a role called "manager" and gives it read-write permissions on the :Employee entity:

{:Name "manager"}}

{:Name "priv-for-employee"
:Actions [:read :update]
:Resource :Acme/Employee}}

{:Role "manager"
:Privilege "priv-for-employee"}}

The full-list of possible :Actions is - [:read :create :update :delete].

Once a role is assigned privileges, it may be assigned to one or more users in the system.

{:Role "manager" :Assignee ""}}

A role-assignment may be revoked simply by deleting the :RoleAssignment instance:

[:delete :Fractl.Kernel.Rbac/RoleAssignment 
{:Role "manager" :Assignee ""}]

Ownership and instance-privileges

When a user creates an instance of an entity, that user becomes the owner of that instance, which means the user can perform any crud operations on that instance or it children (via :contains relationships). The owner may add a new user as co-owner of the instance:

{:Resource :Acme/Employee
:ResourceId "employee-id-1"
:Assignee ""}}

A user may also be assigned only specific permissions on an instance:

{:Actions [:read]
:Resource :Acme/Employee
:ResourceId "employee-id-1"
:Assignee ""}}

For more information on RBAC, please see the Security & Access Control documentation.