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The :Fractl.Kernel.Lang component defines the core-attribute types that can be used in Fractl. These types are listed below:

  • :String - texts of arbitrary length, enclosed in double-quotes
  • :Keyword - symbolic constants prefixed by a :. E.g - :left, :blue. Keywords may not contain spaces.
  • :Path - fully qualified name of a Fractl data-type, encoded as a keyword. E.g - :Acme.Erp/Employee.
  • :DateTime - date-time strings, usually in the format 2011-12-03T10:15:30.
  • :Date - strings with only the date part of a :DateTime.
  • :Time - strings with only the time part of a :DateTime.
  • :UUID - universally unique identifiers as described in RFC4122
  • :Int - 32-bit signed two's complement integers.
  • :Int64 - 64-bit two's complement integers.
  • :BigInteger - integers of arbitrary precision.
  • :Float - single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point values.
  • :Double - double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point values.
  • :Decimal - arbitrary precision decimal values.
  • :Boolean - true or false.
  • :Record - instances of a record.
  • :Entity - instances of an entity.
  • :Event - instances of an event.
  • :Email - strings encoded as email addresses.
  • :Password - strings that are encrypted on storage.
  • :Map - a map of key-value pairs, e.g - {:name "joe" :age 12}.
  • :Edn - edn encoded data, e.g - [{:name "joe" :age 12} {:name "rachel" :age 9}].
  • :Any - no type check enforced, could be any of the above types.
  • :Identity - UUIDs with a default.
  • :Now - date-time values with a default.