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A record is the basic composite data-structure that can be defined in a component. A record consists of smaller data-elements known as attributes. The specification of a record will be a map mainly concerned with defining the types and constraints applicable to each attribute. The record definition may also contain a :meta section that capture some meta-data about the record.

The general syntax of record specification is shown below:

(record <record-name>
{attr-1 attr-spec-1
attr-2 attr-spec-2
attr-N attr-spec-N
:meta {...}})


;; A record for keeping track of customer contact details.

(record :Acme.Inventory.CRM/Contact
{:Street1 :String
:Street2 {:type :String
:optional true}
:City :String
:State {:oneof ["NY", "NJ", "MA"]}
:Zip {:type :String
:check valid-zip?}
:Phone {:type :String
;; US phone number format, e.g (555)555-5555
:format "^(1\\s?)?(\\d{3}|\\(\\d{3}\\))[\\s\\-]?\\d{3}[\\s\\-]?\\d{4}$"}
:Email {:type :Email :guid true}})

(defn valid-zip? [s]
(and (= 5 (count s))
(<= 501 (Integer/parseInt s) 99950)))