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The runtime configuration required by a model in provided via the config.edn file. Configuration is an arbitrary map, the keys that are considered by the Fractl runtime is described here:

:service - map

Settings for the application REST API service. For example, the port to run the service can be specified as:

{:service {:port 7000}}

The default value for port is 8080.

:script-extn - string

The extension of component files. Defaults to .fractl.

:store - map

Identifies the storage layer to use. Defaults to {:type :h2}. The map could take additional key-values based on the type of storage. For instance, :h2 can take these additional options - :dbname, :username, :password.


{:store {:type :h2
:dbname "./data"
:username "fractl-db"
:password #$ FRACTL_DB_PASSWORD}}

The tag #$ identifies a variable reference and tries to derive its value from the system environment. Here, the database password will be looked-up in the FRACTL_DB_PASSWORD environment variable.

Fractl also has in-built support for the Postgres database, which can be configured as:

{:store {:type :postgres
:dbname #$ POSTGRES_DB
:username #$ POSTGRES_USER
:password #$ POSTGRES_PASSWORD}}

If all the :POSTGRES_XXX environment variables are set, the configuration could simply be {:type :postgres}.

:interceptors - map

Each key in the map refers to the name of an interceptor. Each value must be a map, with only one required key called :enabled.


{:interceptors {:rbac {:enabled true}}}

Any additional keys in the value-map will be configuration specific to the interceptor implementation.

:authentication - map

The authentication backend to use and its configuration. The only backend currently supported in AWS Cognito.


{:authentication {:service :cognito
:superuser-email #$ FRACTL_SUPERUSER_EMAIL}}

Cognito expects a few environment variables to be set on the system running the Fractl application. These are listed below:


Also note that setting up :authentication will also require the :rbac interceptor to be enabled.

:rbac-enabled - true or false

Setting :rbac-enabled to true will set :authentication to its default values. It also enabled the :rbac interceptor. Usually this is the only flag required to enable authentication and authorization in a Fractl application.

:deploy - map

Configuration for deploying Fractl applications to the platform. This is usually invoked via the fractl deploy command.


{:deploy {:host ""
:user ""

:build - map

Information required for the Fractl compiler, invoked by the fractl build command. For example, the compiler can be directed to generate a UI for the application with the following setting:

{:build {:client {:root-entity :Accounts.Core/Company
:api-host "https://fractl-io/apps/acme/accounts"}}}