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A Fractl model consist of multiple components. A component captures the entities and business logic relevant to a significant concept in the model. For example, the model for an inventory application may have different components for warehouses, suppliers and customers.


(component :Acme.Inventory.CRM)

The above declaration adds a new component :CRM to the model :Acme.Inventory. The component may have a specification map for which the valid keys are :clj-import and :refer. The value of :clj-import must be a vector of namespace import specifications for Clojure or Java.


(component :Acme.Inventory.CRM
{:clj-import '[(:require [fractl.lang.datetime :as dt]
[ :as io])
(:use [fractl.util])]})

The value of :refer must be a vector of component names that the current component is dependent on.


(component :Acme.Inventory.CRM
{:refer [:Acme.Core :Acme.Accounts]})