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An entity is a record whose instances are automatically persisted by Fractl.


(entity :Acme.Inventory.CRM/Customer
{:FirstName :String
:LastName :String
:ContactInfo :Acme.Inventory.CRM/Contact
:CustomerSince :DateTime})

Note the type of the :ContactInfo attribute - when creating an instance of :Customer, a full :Contact object must be passed as its value. This instance will be persisted along with the customer.

;; Creating an instance of `:Customer`
{:Street1 "432/78"
:Street2 "Broadway"
:City "NY"
:State "NY"
:Zip "10012"
:Phone "(212)555-7788"
:Email ""}
:as :C}

{:FirstName "A"
:LastName "Jay"
:ContactInfo :C
:CustomerSince "2023-02-01T13:49:10.916982"}}

In the above example, a :Contact instance is first created and assigned the alias :C. The second pattern creates a :Customer and assigns :C as its contact-info. (An alias is a placeholder for values created by patterns, similar to variables in other languages).

Another way to declare the :Customer entity is by making it a sub-type of :Contact. This is achieved by using the :inherits meta clause.

(entity :Acme.Inventory.CRM/Customer
{:meta {:inherits :Acme.Inventory.CRM/Contact}
:FirstName :String
:LastName :String
:CustomerSince :DateTime})

The :Customer entity no longer requires a :ContactInfo attribute as it inherits the relevant attributes from :Contact. With this change, a new :Customer instance can be created with a single pattern,

{:FirstName "A"
:LastName "Jay"
:CustomerSince "2023-02-01T13:49:10.916982"
:Street1 "432/78"
:Street2 "Broadway"
:City "NY"
:State "NY"
:Zip "10012"
:Phone "(212)555-7788"
:Email ""}}

The customer can also be uniquely identified in the system by :Email because it inherits the :guid property, as declared in the parent-type, i.e :Contact,

{:Street1 :String
:Street2 :String
:City :String
:State :String
:Zip :String
:Phone :String
:Email {:type :Email :guid true}}}

Computed Attributes

Attribute specification can be an expression, so that its value is dynamically computed. An example is shown below:

(entity :Acme.Inventory/Product
{:SerialNo {:type :String :guid true}
:Price :Decimal
:Tax '(* :Price 0.015)})

When an instance of :Product is created, value of its :Tax will be automatically calculated.

The expression given in an entity-spec can only refer to the attributes in the entity itself. If the computation needs more context, the expression has to be moved to a dataflow, as demonstrated in the following code snippet:

(entity :Acme.Inventory/Product
{:SerialNo {:type :String :guid true}
:Price :Decimal
:Tax :Decimal})

(dataflow :Acme.Inventory/CreateProduct
{:SerialNo :Acme.Inventory/CreateProduct.SerialNo
:Price :Acme.Inventory/CreateProduct.Price
:Tax '(+ (* :Price 0.015) :Acme.Inventory/CreateProduct.FixedTax)}})

Expression Syntax

As we saw in the examples above, expressions have the general syntax - (fn arg1 arg2 ...). Fn must be the name of a Clojure function. The arguments can be one of,

  1. Numeric or string literals - e.g 122.33, "hello, world"
  2. Keyword references - e.g :Price, :Acme.Inventory/CreateProduct.FixedTax

The keyword references must be either,

  1. the name of an attribute of the entity-instance being defined.
  2. a reference to an attribute of a record, entity or event in the current execution context.