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Dataflow Patterns


The create pattern creates a new instance of a record or an entity. The syntax of a create pattern is,

{:Attr1 value1
:Attr2 value2
:AttrN valueN}
:-> [relationships]
:as alias}

The values assigned to attributes could be a,

  1. literal string, number, boolean, map
  2. list of any of (1)
  3. path to a local binding (an instance or an attribute)
  4. function call expression

A function call expression takes the form of a quoted-list, as in

'(fn-name arg1 arg2 ... argN)

The arguments could be,

  1. a literal or,
  2. a list of literals or,
  3. a path to a local binding (an instance, an attribute or an alias)


(dataflow :Acme.Inventory.Sales/PlaceOrder
{:Product :Acme.Inventory.Sales/PlaceOrder.Product
:Date '(fractl.lang.datetime/now)
:Customer :Acme.Inventory.Sales/PlaceOrder.Customer
:TaxRate 0.1
:TotalPrice '(compute-price :Acme.Inventory.Sales/PlaceOrder.ItemPrice :TaxRate)}})

(defn compute-price [item-price sales-tax-rate]
(+ item-price (* item-price sales-tax-rate)))

The dataflow attached to the :Acme.Inventory.Sales/PlaceOrder event has a single create-pattern for creating a new instance of the entity :Acme.Inventory.Sales/Order.

Notice the arguments passed to the compute-price function call. The first path is a fully-qualified reference to the :ItemPrice attribute of the :PlaceOrder event. The next argument is a reference to a local attribute of :Order, so it need not be fully-qualified.

This dataflow can be triggered by a pattern that creates an instance of the :Acme.Inventory.Sales/PlaceOrder event,

{:Product "p001"
:Customer "ABC"
:ItemPrice 789.22}}

If a relationship is created by the optional :-> key, it must have the following syntax:

[[relationship-create-pattern other-node] ...]

relationship-create-pattern is pattern that creates a new instance of the relationship. For a :contains relationship this will simply be the name of the relationship. For a :between, this will a complete pattern of the new relationship instance.

other-node must be one of,

  1. a query pattern
  2. a create or update pattern
  3. a path or alias to a local instance


{:No? "101"} :as [:D]}

{:EmpNo "001"
:Name "KK"}
:-> [[:WorksFor :D]]}

Quote and Unquote

The quote pattern - [:q# ...] - can be used to turn-off evaluation on certain patterns and treat them as pure data. The unquote pattern - [:uq# ...] - turns-off quoting temporarily within a quoted-pattern.

For example, consider the following pattern that assigns an instance of :SomeEvent to the attribute :ARecord.A -

(dataflow :ThisEvent
{:A {:SomeEvent {:X :ThisEvent.X}}}})

When the instance of :SomeEvent is created, any dataflow attached to this event will be triggered. You want to prevent this from happening and likes to treat the {:SomeEvent {:X ....}} pattern as a pure map. This can be achieved by quoting the pattern as shown below:

(dataflow :ThisEvent
{:A [:q# {:SomeEvent {:X [:uq# :ThisEvent.X]}}]}})

Note that if :ThisEvent.X is not unquoted, the resulting map will contain the keyword literal :ThisEvent.X instead of the value bound to the :X attribute of :ThisEvent.


A query pattern is also expressed as a map, but is used to lookup existing instances of entities from the persistent storage. The basic syntax of the query pattern is:

{:Attr1? query1
:Attr2? query2
:Attr3? query3}
:-> [relationship-queries]
:as alias}

The query value (query1, query2 etc) could be either a:

  1. literal
  2. function call expression
  3. logical or comparison expression of the form [:operator arg1 arg2 ... argN]

The logical operators supported are :and and :or. A comparison operation must be one of :=, :>, :<, :>=, :<= and :like. The comparison operators (except :like) maybe applied to both numeric and string values, :like works with only strings.


;; Find customer by email
{:Email? ""}}

;; Find employees belonging a department 101
;; and whose salaries are between 2000 and 3500
{:Department? 101
:Salary? [:and [:> 2000] [:< 3500]]}}

;; Find all customer whose first-name starts with `"Sa"`:
{:FirstName? [:like "Sa%"]}}

It's possible to do query and update in a single pattern. For example, the following pattern gives a salary-raise to all employees in department 101:

{:Department? 101
:Salary '(+ :Salary (* 0.2 :Salary))}}

If the query has to happen in the context of a relationship, a relationship-query must be provided via the :-> keyword. This query must have the form:

[relationship-query-pattern other-node-query-pattern]

An example is shown below:

;; Load all employees whose salary is greater-than 1000 and who
;; are in a `:WorksFor` relationship with the department 101.
{:Salary? [:> 1000]}
:-> [[:WorksFor? {:Department {:No? 101}}]]}

The shorthand-query :EntityName? will return all instances of an entity. The shorthand maybe extended to a map that include more complex data-query patterns attached to the :where keyword. For example, the following query will return all employees from department 101 ordered by their salary:

{:where [:= :Department 101]
:order-by [:Salary]}}

Here's another query that will return the number of employees in the department:

{:where [:= :Department 101]
:count :EmpNo}}

The aggregate operators supported by this form of query are :count, :sum, :avg (average), :min, and :max.

Also see the documentation on Destructuring.


The delete expression deletes one or more entity-instances based on a simple lookup criteria.


[:delete :Department {No: "101"} :as :DeletedDepts]

The above expression will delete all employees whose salary is 1500. The deleted instances are returned by the command. Any child-instances that falls under the deleted entity-instance via a :contains relationship will also be deleted. This behavior can be prevented by turning-off the :cascade-on-delete flag in the relationship.


(relationship :WorksFor
{:meta {:contains [:Department :Employee] :cascade-on-delete false}})

If :cascade-on-delete is false, the :Department can only be deleted after all contained :Employees are deleted.


Conditional pattern evaluation is made possible by the :match expression, which has the syntax,

[:match value
case1 pattern1
case2 pattern2
caseN patternN
:as alias]

The match value must be either a,

  1. literal
  2. path to a local record, attribute or alias
  3. any valid dataflow pattern
  4. sequence of 1-3 enclosed in []

The value is compared to each of the case for equality. The pattern attached to the first matching case will be evaluated and the result will become the value of the match expression. If none of the cases match, the default-pattern will be evaluated. If the default-pattern is not provided, match will return false.


[:match :Employee.Email
"" {:SalaryIncrement {:Percentage 0.5} ...}
"" {:SalaryDecrement {:Percentage 0.2} ...}
{:SalaryIncrement {:Percentage 0.3} ...}]

There's a second form or :match that can act as an if-else construct in traditional languages. The syntax is,

condition1 pattern1
condition2 pattern2
conditionN patternN
:as alias]

The condition should be a logical expression of the form,

[:operator arg1 arg2 ... argN]

The :operator could be one of :=, :>, :<, :>=, :<=, :like, :between, :in. Comparison expressions could be combined using the logical operators :not, :and and :or.


{:Employee {:EmpNo "001"} :as :E}
[:< :E.Salary 1000] {:SalaryIncrement {:Percentage 0.6 ...}}
[:between 2000 3000 :E.Salary] {:SalaryIncrement {:Percentage 0.1 ...}}
[:in [2450 1145 2293] :E.Salary] {:SalaryIncrement {:Percentage 0.2 ...}}
[:like :E.Email "abc%"] {:SalaryIncrement {:Percentage 0.3 ...}} ; email starts-with "abc"?
{:SalaryIncrement {:Percentage 0.5 ...}}]


A sequence of values can be processed using the :for-each expression. The format of :for-each is,

[:for-each source-pattern body ... :as alias]

source-pattern should return a sequence of values - usually this will be a query-pattern or an alias bound to a query-pattern. body is one or more patterns evaluated for each element in the source. If the elements consists of entity or record instances, body can refer to the current element by the name of the record or by using the special alias :%.


;; Give salary increment to all employees
[:for-each :Employee?
{:Percentage 0.2
:BaseSalary :Employee.Salary
:EmpNo :Employee.EmpNo}}]

;; using the :% alias
[:for-each :Employee?
{:Percentage 0.2
:BaseSalary :%.Salary
:EmpNo :%.EmpNo}}]

The result of the :for-each will be the value returned by the last pattern evaluated in its body.


The :try expression allows the evaluation of the dataflow to continue even after an error condition. By default, if any pattern returns a non-success result will terminate the dataflow. :try provides a way to handle non-success results and allow the dataflow to take corrective action.

The syntax of :try is,

:result-tag1 handler-pattern1
:result-tag2 handler-pattern2
:as alias]

pattern is evaluated and result-tag is set to one of,

  1. :ok - pattern evaluation succeeded
  2. :not-found - a query failed to find result
  3. :declined - the evaluator refused to run the pattern
  4. :error - the evaluation resulted in an error

The handler-pattern attached to the tag is evaluated to produce the final result. If the handler for a tag is not specified, the result of pattern is returned, which if not an :ok result, will cause the termination of the dataflow.


{:Employee {:Empno? "001"}}
:not-found {:Result {:Message "employee not found"}}]

A single handler maybe attached to a single tag as shown below:

{:Employee {:Empno? "001"}}
[:error :not-found] {:Result {:Message "employee not found or there was an error"}}]


The :eval expression can be used to invoke a Clojure function and bind the result to an alias. The syntax of this expression is,

[:eval '(f arg1 arg2 ... argN) :check type-or-predicate :as alias]

The arguments passed to the function should be one of,

  1. a literal or a sequence of literals
  2. a path to a local instance, attribute or alias

type-or-predicate must be either the name of a Fractl type or a single-argument function. If it's a type-name, the value returned by f should be an instance of the same type. If it's a function, it should return true for the value returned by f. Otherwise, :eval will terminate the dataflow, by returning an error.


[:eval '(compute-tax :Employee.Salary) :check double? :as :Tax]

[:eval '(update-employee-salary :Employee) :check :Employee :as :UpdatedEmp]

Note that both :check and :as are optional and the function may be invoked just for its side-effects.