Most Fractl applications interact with external systems. Resolvers provide a uniform abstraction for managing such interactions. Each resolver is just another Fractl model that is imported into the application like a library. A resolver exposes entities associated with the external system. Fractl applications interact with the external system by performing (CRUD) operations on these entities - such operations are converted into API calls to the external system by the resolver implementation.
Note To understand and implement resolvers, you'll need a basic working knowledge of the Clojure programming language.
Let's look at the implementation of a simple resolver. We have an entity, which we would like to be stored in an external
service. We would like to bypass Fractl's local storage-layer completely - create, update, delete and queries on the entity is
completely off-loaded to the external service. In the sample code that follows, the external service is represented by a Clojure
and the external-service's API is represented by assoc
operations on the atom.
(component :Acme)
(entity :Acme/ExternalUser
{:Email {:type :Email :guid true}
:DateCreated :Now})
;; Represents the external user-storage.
(def db (atom {}))
;; Create/Update a user in the external store.
(defn upsert [inst]
(println (str "upserting " (:Email inst)))
(swap! db assoc (:Email inst) inst)
:ext.user.resolver ; a unique name for the resolver.
{:create upsert
:update upsert
:delete (fn [inst]
(println (str "deleting " (:Email inst)))
(swap! db dissoc (:Email inst))
:query (fn [[entity-name query]]
;; Handle queries of the form [:= :Email "email"].
(let [[opr attr value] (:where query)]
(when (and (= opr :=) (= attr :Email))
(println (str "looking up " value))
(when-let [inst (get @db value)]
;; Successful queries always return a sequence of instances.
(fractl.resolver.registry/override-resolver :Acme/ExternalUser ext-user-resolver)
Basically a resolver consists of a map of CRUD and query functions. The fractl.resolver.registry/override-resolver
function hands-over the complete responsibility of managing the instances of the :ExternalUser
entity to the
new resolver. If you want instances of the entity to be persisted in the local store as well, call the
function instead.
Testing the Resolver
Use the following HTTP requests to test the resolver.
- Create an external-user:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST \
--data '{"Acme/ExternalUser": {"Email": ""}}' \
- Query the user:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
- Delete the user:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request DELETE \
With each CRUD operation, you should see the appropriate log-statement from the resolver in the console.
If you inspect the Fractl database, you should see that no local records are being created for :ExternalUser
Custom Event Handling
In addition to handling CRUD for entities, resolvers can also handle event-instances. For this the resolver has to
be provided a handler for the :eval
method. Let's look at an example:
(event :Acme/ExternalEvent {:Z :Int})
(record :Acme/ExternalResult {:Value :Int})
{:Z :Acme/TriggerExternalEvent.Z}})
{:eval (fn [event-inst]
{:Value (* (:Z event-inst) 100)}})}))
(fractl.resolver.registry/override-resolver :Acme/ExternalEvent ext-event-resolver)
You can trigger the external-event as,
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST\
--data '{"Acme/TriggerExternalEvent": {"Z": 20}}'\
You should get the result as computed by the resolver's :eval
{"Value": 2000}}