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Most Fractl applications interact with external systems. Resolvers provide a uniform abstraction for managing such interactions. Each resolver is just another Fractl model that is imported into the application like a library. A resolver exposes entities associated with the external system. Fractl applications interact with the external system by performing (CRUD) operations on these entities - such operations are converted into API calls to the external system by the resolver implementation.

Note To understand and implement resolvers, you'll need a basic working knowledge of the Clojure programming language.

Let's look at the implementation of a simple resolver. We have an entity, which we would like to be stored in an external service. We would like to bypass Fractl's local storage-layer completely - create, update, delete and queries on the entity is completely off-loaded to the external service. In the sample code that follows, the external service is represented by a Clojure atom and the external-service's API is represented by assoc/dissoc operations on the atom.

(component :Acme)

(entity :Acme/ExternalUser
{:Email {:type :Email :guid true}
:DateCreated :Now})

;; Represents the external user-storage.
(def db (atom {}))

;; Create/Update a user in the external store.
(defn upsert [inst]
(println (str "upserting " (:Email inst)))
(swap! db assoc (:Email inst) inst)

:ext.user.resolver ; a unique name for the resolver.
{:create upsert
:update upsert
:delete (fn [inst]
(println (str "deleting " (:Email inst)))
(swap! db dissoc (:Email inst))
:query (fn [[entity-name query]]
;; Handle queries of the form [:= :Email "email"].
(let [[opr attr value] (:where query)]
(when (and (= opr :=) (= attr :Email))
(println (str "looking up " value))
(when-let [inst (get @db value)]
;; Successful queries always return a sequence of instances.

(fractl.resolver.registry/override-resolver :Acme/ExternalUser ext-user-resolver)

Basically a resolver consists of a map of CRUD and query functions. The fractl.resolver.registry/override-resolver function hands-over the complete responsibility of managing the instances of the :ExternalUser entity to the new resolver. If you want instances of the entity to be persisted in the local store as well, call the fractl.resolver.registry/compose-resolver function instead.

Testing the Resolver

Use the following HTTP requests to test the resolver.

  1. Create an external-user:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST \
--data '{"Acme/ExternalUser": {"Email": ""}}' \
  1. Query the user:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  1. Delete the user:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request DELETE \

With each CRUD operation, you should see the appropriate log-statement from the resolver in the console. If you inspect the Fractl database, you should see that no local records are being created for :ExternalUser.

Custom Event Handling

In addition to handling CRUD for entities, resolvers can also handle event-instances. For this the resolver has to be provided a handler for the :eval method. Let's look at an example:

(event :Acme/ExternalEvent {:Z :Int})

(record :Acme/ExternalResult {:Value :Int})

{:Z :Acme/TriggerExternalEvent.Z}})

{:eval (fn [event-inst]
{:Value (* (:Z event-inst) 100)}})}))

(fractl.resolver.registry/override-resolver :Acme/ExternalEvent ext-event-resolver)

You can trigger the external-event as,

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST\
--data '{"Acme/TriggerExternalEvent": {"Z": 20}}'\

You should get the result as computed by the resolver's :eval method:

{"Value": 2000}}